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2018 Mar-12 : Things have been a bit quiet looking, but there has been lots going on in the background... First, we may have finally found an attorney that is willing to take a crack at our liability issues. In parallel we have an independent developer doing a code review so that we can open up the source. Finally I have been working on the fucking machine angle to try and make that accessory a reality. Oh, and we put up a twitter account that you can follow too. -Cheers!

2018 Feb-25 : Hello everyone! Getting an inital website online to keep everyone up-to-date on progress. Yea, I know this site is very 'retro', but it is simple and I wanted to focus on getting some content up rather than securing wordpress for now. If you provided me your email on one of the survey forms at the Flea, you've already been added to our mailchimp updates list and will get theses updates automatically. If not, you can subscribe here anytime to join our email list. Many Thanks again to everyone who attended the FFF 50 to make it such a wonderful event as always. And Special Thanks to everyone who stopped my the table to chat! It was so inspiring to see how many people thought this was a great idea.

^^ Going up...